Saturday, November 03, 2012

Todd Akin: Bible says government shouldn't educate children

Judging from Todd Akin's comments, he could have used a public school education.

(From the Claire McCaskill campaign)

In August, Todd Akin justified his opposition to public education by citing the Bible, saying: “Look at your Bible and see if you can find any good examples of civil government running education. Anybody?” Akin’s strange explanation, combined with his desire to eliminate federal student loans, end the school lunch program, and shut down the U.S. Department of Education, makes clear he is out of touch with Missouri families who rely on public schools to create a better future for their kids and families. 

Akin Said the Bible Says that Civil Government Shouldn’t Educate Children. During a speech in  St. Peters in August 2012, Akin said “Where the Bible shows the civil government doing education?.. The king's school in Babylon, right? He builds this great big idol… A government school has you bow to the idol. There's an example of public involvement, the government running education. [Inaudible] Look at your Bible and see if you can find any good examples of civil government running education. Anybody? I'll give a hundred bucks to anybody that can find an example of that, ok?” [Akin Speech in St. Peters, 7/29/12]

“Todd Akin’s desperate attempts to justify his fringe beliefs on education can’t hide the fact that his views would harm Missouri families and children,” said Erik Dorey, McCaskill for Missouri spokesman. “Claire is a proud product of Missouri’s public schools, so Missourians know they can trust her to protect their kids’ educational opportunities. Todd Akin’s extreme beliefs on education would move America backwards and make us less competitive in today’s global economy. As with many issues, behind Akin’s inflammatory language extreme positions are just too much for Missouri.

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