Sunday, October 28, 2012

Springfield News-Leader: Billy Long deserves a second term

Billy Long deserves a second term, the Springfield News-Leader said in its endorsement today:

Evans presented himself as a smart, sincere and well-meaning candidate — but with views well outside the mainstream of southwest Missouri. For instance, he talked of switching to a single-payer system for health care and of the need for major public investments in infrastructure, while going after cuts in a “ridiculously bloated defense budget.”
As we said two years ago, “Long seems to best voice the opinions of the average resident of southwest Missouri. We believe he is prepared to stand up for those opinions.”
Billy Long wants to make a difference, and he deserves another two years to prove he can.

I was unaware that investing in infrastructure and going after waste in the defense budget were so far outside "the mainstream of southwest Missouri."

I wonder if the News-Leader Editorial Board is simply pandering to the element that dominates its reader comments on its articles.

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