Monday, January 08, 2018

Phyllis Schlafly Eagles: Put Americans first; say no to DACA

As Congress considers 2018 spending and policy, Democrats continue to insist on false deadlines for DACA dreamers. Creating a permanent amnesty fix for illegal immigrants on temporary Obama-issued "dreamer" visas has become a top priority for Liberals in Congress, and they continue to lament false deadlines to provoke action from lawmakers.

“Unfortunately for Democrats there really is no looming deadline for so-called dreamers,” said Ed Martin (pictured), president of Phyllis Schlafly Eagles. “There is no such approaching date, as the bulk of Obama's work-permits don't expire until late 2018 or even 2019. And when these Obama-issued work permits do begin to expire, young American men and women of working age will find many hundreds of thousands of jobs available."

Martin continued: “We urge Congress and President Trump to delay any action on DACA. This is not an Americans First policy. It is one more failed behemoth from the Obama era that needs to fall to the wayside.”

“Refusing to save DACA has many positive results for the Trump administration and Republicans in Congress,” said Executive Director Rebekah Gantner. “Delaying action on DACA will open many thousands of jobs for Americans. It will improve, not just expand, the economy. It helps move toward honesty in government — as even President Obama called this a temporary ‘stop-gap’ measure, not a permanent solution.

“It will also help Republicans politically as Democrats are forced to spend even more time and energy defending an unpopular pro-illegal stance that will cost taxpayers far more money than is being admitted now. We urge Congress and the White House to stand against this pressure to continue the globalist policies of the Obama Era that left so many Americans in the dust.”

Several million young Americans turn of working age every year, and continuing failed, globalist programs like DACA will ensure that there are fewer jobs for American citizens and less prosperity and stability for American families. No to DACA.


Anonymous said...

I remember in the 70s and 80s when labor was against illegal immigration because of the effect it would have on American workers. The wealth class was all for illegal immigration and coined the term-"these are jobs Americans wont do." They gladly hired and exploited them and lined their own pockets.
Now move ahead to today and the wealth class is pretending to care about American workers, but that is only because there are so many Latinos here and they do something that will not be tolerated- they VOTE! And statistics show that they vote in favor of Democrats. We can't have that now, can we? They also like to join Unions, can't have that now, can we?

Anonymous said...

Anything connected to Phyllis Schlafly can be dumped. While I am against DACA, I am also against anything Phyllis Schlafly; she was rude and refused to listen to educators on alternate ways to teach.

4:15: If they are illegal, if they are not citizens, they should not be voting.

Anonymous said...

I agree, but many are here legally and they vote legally. How about we punish the companies that hire the ones that are here illegally? How about setting up a facility in AZ to process them legally like my great grand-parents were afforded at Ellis Island?

Anonymous said...

Lines on a map. Or we could do the enlightened thing and form a North American Union on the model of the European Union and relegate those borders to lines on a map.

Anonymous said...

I guess those doors on your house don't exist either. How about the locks?
If they want to be here, they need to do it the right way.

Anonymous said...

Does this mean Carthage will dissolve?

Anonymous said...

US Citizens have rights under our constitution, it does not apply to illegals. Criminals are criminals, the laws the law, Lets build a wall between US and Canada also, It’s not discrimination it’s another way to inforce our current laws.

Anonymous said...

Even if they are here legally they cannot vote. Voting is for citizens.